
Since 2001, our team have participated in 82 scientific research expeditions and more than 400 days as in commercial marine surveys. These expeditions span every ocean working at a variety of depths and habitats ranging from coastal regions, open ocean, polar seas, to the deepest places on the planet. We have working on everything to small inshore trawlers to large multi-disciplinary science platforms to deep submergence support vessels. Our staff are generally always team leaders within the larger international expeditions or in the case of the HADEEP I-IV expeditions, Pharma Deep, Five Deeps and Ring of Fire Expeditions have acted as Chief Scientist.

Research Cruises (* indicate Principal Scientist):

 Vessel (Country) (Year) Location
82 DSSV Pressure Drop (MI)* (2022) Pacific Ocean: Japan Trench
81 DSSV Pressure Drop (MI)* (2021) Indian Ocean: Wallaby Zenith Fracture Zone
80 DSSV Pressure Drop (MI)* (2021) Pacific Ocean: Mariana Trench
79 DSSV Pressure Drop (MI)* (2021) Pacific Ocean: Philippine Trench
78 DSSV Pressure Drop (MI)* (2020) Pacific Ocean: Mariana Trench and Black Hole
77 DSSV Pressure Drop (MI)* (2020) Red Sea: Kebrit and Suakin brine pools
76 DSSV Pressure Drop (MI)* (2020) Mediterranean Sea
75 DSSV Pressure Drop (MI)* (2019) Arctic Ocean: Molloy Hole
74 DSSV Pressure Drop (MI)* (2019) Atlantic Ocean: Puerto Rico Trench
73 DSSV Pressure Drop (MI)* (2019) Pacific Ocean: Tonga Trench
72 DSSV Pressure Drop (MI)* (2019) Pacific Ocean: South Solomon trenches
71 DSSV Pressure Drop (MI)* (2019) Pacific Ocean: Mariana Trench
70 DSSV Pressure Drop (MI)* (2019) Indian Ocean: Java Trench
69 DSSV Pressure Drop (MI)* (2019) Southern Ocean: South Sandwich Trench
68 DSSV Pressure Drop (MI)* (2018) NW Atlantic: Puerto Rico Trench
67 DSSV Pressure Drop (MI)* (2018) NW Atlantic: Grand Banks
66 DSSV Pressure Drop (MI)* (2018) NW Atlantic: Abaco Canyon
65 DSSV Pressure Drop (MI)* (2018) NW Atlantic: Bahamas
64 RV Sonne SO261 (Germany) (2018) SE Pacific: Atacama Trench
63 MRV Scotia (UK) (2017) Scottish waters
62 RV TangaoraTAN1077 (NZ) (2017) SW Pacific: Kermadec Trench
61 RV Sonne SO259 (Germany) (2017) Indian Ocean: Wallaby-Zenith Fracture Zone
60 RV Shinyo-Maru (Japan) (2017) NE Pacific: Mariana Trench
59 MRV Scotia (UK) (2016) NE Atlantic: Faroe Shetland Channel
58 MRV Scotia (UK) (2015) Scottish waters
57 BIO Hesperides (ES)* (2015) Southern Ocean: South Shetland Trench
56 MRV Scotia (UK) (2015) NE Atlantic: Hatton Rockall Basin
55 RV Falkor (US) (2014) C. Pacific: Mariana Trench
54 RV Thomas G. Thompson (US) (2014) SW Pacific: Kermadec Trench
53 MRV Scotia (UK) (2014) Scottish waters
52 MRV Scotia (UK) (2014) Scottish waters
51 RV Kaharoa KAH1310 (NZ)* (2013) SW Pacific: New Hebrides Trench
50 RV Kaharoa KAH1301 (NZ)* (2013) SW Pacific: Kermadec Trench
49 Fugro Navigator (Panama) (2012) ) E. Mediterranean
48 RV Kaharoa KAH1202 (NZ)* (2012) SW Pacific: Kermadec Trench
47 N/O Pourquoi Pas? (France) (2011) Bay of Biscay
46 FS Meteor M83/4 (Germany) (2011) E. Mediterranean
45 RV Kaharoa KAH1109 (NZ)* (2011) SW Pacific: Kermadec Trench
44 RRS James Cook JC62 (UK) (2011) NE Atlantic: Porcupine Abyssal Plain
43 RV Gyre (Vanuatu) (2010) Gulf of Mexico
42 RRS James Cook JC42 (UK) (2010) N Atlantic: Mid Atlantic Ridge
41 RN Universitatis (Italy) (2010) E. Mediterranean
40 RV G.O. Sars (Norway) (2010) Arctic Circle
39 FS Sonne 209 (Germany) (2010) SE Pacific: Peru-Chile Trench
38 RV Pelagia 64PE316 (Netherlands) (2009) W. Mediterranean
37 RV Pelagia 64PE313 (Netherlands) (2009) NE Atlantic: Irish Sea
36 RV Kaharoa KAH0910 (NZ)* (2009) SW Pacific: Kermadec Trench
35 RRS James Cook JC37 (UK) (2009) N Atlantic: Mid Atlantic Ridge
34 RRS James Cook JC36 (UK) (2009) NE Atlantic: Whittard Canyon
33 RV Tansei-Maru KT-09-02  (Japan) (2009) NW Pacific: Izu-Bonin Trench
32 RV Philia (Greece)* (2008) E. Mediterranean
31 RV Hakuho-Maru KH-08-01 (Japan) (2008) NW Pacific: Japan Trench
30 RV Lydia (Greece)* (2008) E. Mediterranean
29 RV Sea Trident (UK) (2008) SE Atlantic: West African Margin
28 RV Kairei KR-07-16 (Japan) (2007) NW Pacific: East Mariana Basin
27 RV Hakuho-Maru KH-07-3 (Japan) (2007) NW Pacific: Japan Trench
26 FS Sonne 194 (Germany) (2007) SW Pacific: Tonga and Kermadec Trenches
25 RRS James Cook 10 leg 2 (UK) (2007) NE Atlantic: Nazare Canyon
24 RV Aegaeo (Greece) (2007) E. Mediterranean
23 FS Meteor M70-1 (Germany) (2006) East and West Mediterranean
22 FRV Scotia 1406S (UK) (2006) NE Atlantic: Rockall Trough
21 RV Seol Mara / Calanus (UK) (2006) UK: Loch Creran
20 Crest (UK) (2006) UK: Shetland, UK
19 RV Seol Mara (UK) (2006) UK: Loch Creran
18 RRS Discovery D300 (UK) (2005) Southern Ocean: Crozet Plateau/Abyssal Plain
17 RV Thompson TN187 (USA) (2005) NE Pacific
16 RRS Discovery D297 (UK) (2005) NE Atlantic: Nazare Canyon
15 Helsingør harbour (Denmark) (2005) Skagerrak Sea
14 FRV Scotia (UK) (2005) North Sea: Buzzard Platform
13 RV New Horizon  (USA) (2005) NE Pacific
12 RV G.O. Sars (Norway) (2004) Norway: Ofotenfjord/Tysfjord
11 RRS Discovery D285T (UK) (2004) NE Atlantic: Goban Spur
10 Veracious II (UK) (2004) North Sea: Buzzard Platform
9 GG9 (France)* (2004) W. Mediterranean
8 FS Meteor M61-1 (Germany) (2004) NE Atlantic: Belgica Mounds, Rockall Bank
7 GG9  (France)* (2004) W. Mediterranean
6 RV Johan Hjort (Norway) (2002) Norway: Sognefjord, Ofotenfjord
5 RRS Discovery D266 (UK) (2002) NE Atlantic: Porcupine Sea Bight
4 RV Philia (Greece) (2002) E. Mediterranean: Rhodos Basin
3 RRS Discovery D260 (UK) (2002) NE Atlantic: Porcupine Sea Bight
2 RRS Discovery D255 (UK) (2001) NE Atlantic: Porcupine Sea Bight
1 RRS Discovery D252 (UK) (2001) NE Atlantic: Porcupine Sea Bight