Click on their photo to find out more.
Shaylyn Potter
Marine scientist, sub-pilot, expedition leader
Polar marine science
Dianne ‘di’ tracey
Researcher - NIWA
Deep-water corals
Rich Collins
Andrea Whitaker
Linda Ianniello
Blackwater divers - Palm Beach, Florida
Brit Finucci
Fisheries scientist - NIWA
Justin Cordova
Co-Founder of The Rogue Shark Lab
Deep-water sharks
Will white
Researcher - CSIRO
Rays & Skates
Doug Fudge
Professor - Chapman University
Marianne Moore
Professor Emerita - Wellesley College
Lake Baikal
Nicola Quick
Marine conservationist - University of Plymouth & Duke’s University
Beaked Whales
Teresa Amaro
Researcher - University of Alveiro
Submarine canyons
Kerry Walton
Curator of Invertebrates - Te Papa Museum
George Matsumoto
Marine biologist and senior education and research specialist - MBARI
Leighton Rolley
Science Technician - REV Ocean
Geologist & co-chief scientist on IODP Exp #399
Mantle geology
Lori Johnston
Microbial ecologist - Grounds Effects Environmental Services inc.
Degradation of shipwrecks
mandy joye
Professor - University of Georgia
Microbial ecology and the deep biosphere
rod bray
Scientific associate - Natural History Museum
Craig Smith
Professor - University of Hawai’i
Whale fall ecosystems
Chuck fisher
Professor - Pennsylvania State University
Hydrothermal vent ecology and tube worm symbiosis