Our very own Professor Alan Jamieson and Dr Thomas Linley join a panel of artists, science communicators and scientists to judge the artwork for the recent online exhibition: Under The Sea.
Written by Georgia Wells
Top image by Meghan Jones (Studio MBJ)
Under The Sea is the first annual virtual exhibition by Moku Art Studio which aims to celebrate the wonder of the oceans whilst advocating for their protection and sustainable management. Artists from all over the world have submitted their works to be exhibited online, in an effort to engage audiences with our connection with the ocean and it’s surrounding issues.
Underwater sculpture by fellow judge, Jason deCaires Taylor.
From the collection, three pieces will be chosen as exceptional examples of either: 1) Visualising science in a compelling way, 2) Issuing a call to action that inspires, or 3) Changing the viewers relationship with the ocean.
Alongside Prof. Jamieson and Dr Linley, other judges include award winning sculptor, Jason deCaires Taylor, science communicator Sarah McAnulty, marine biologist and author Helen Scales and artist Lea Kannar-Lichtenberger. This exciting collaboration between artists, scientists and activists aims to cultivate a multi-disciplinary community dedicated to the wellbeing of the oceans.
Whilst judging is still currently underway, the exhibition is now live and you can look through artists and their pieces via the Moku Art Studio website.
Towards dystopia (2016) by fellow judge Lea Kannar-Lichtenberger. (Image courtesy of Julia Krolik)