LISTEN TO THE shorter version
We love going to sea, it is probably the best part of the job. That’s where most of our adventures happen, that’s where most of the exciting discoveries and firsts happen and it’s where we meet some of the most interesting people. We want you to have a great time at sea too and not be put off by a bad first experience. Poor packing or a faux pas could spoil the whole experience and we don’t want that. We put together some advice for your first trip. Forgive us if parts seem patronising, they are all things we have seen spoil someone’s trip and with everything else to worry about, it’s easy to forget the simple stuff.
We chat with Larkin, a deck-hand turned youtuber about life at sea and sharing that experience through her videos. What is her average day like at sea and how’s the morning commute when your office is a small response vessel chasing a submarine 10,000 m below you? How can you get a celebratory tattoo offshore from an unqualified scientist? “Don’t worry, he’s a doctor, not that sort of doctor but don’t worry about that!”
My Salty Sea Life - A day in the life of a sailor
Larkin represents the growing proportion of women at sea, a situation which has rapidly changed over the last few years. Did you know that there was a time when she would have been considered bad luck? Don Walsh tells us about the gradual changes to offshore culture that has allowed this and the female pioneers who blazed that trail for the current generation. There is still much to do, but things are accelerating.
Finally, we hear from listeners what their tips are for your first trip offshore.
My Salty Sea Life - Larkin’s morning commute
Feel free to get in touch with questions or you own tales from the high seas on:
Twitter: @DeepSeaPod, @ArmatusO
Facebook:DeepSeaPodcast, ArmatusOceanic
Instagram: @deepsea_podcast, @armatusoceanic
Keep up with the team on social media
Twitter: Alan - @Hadalbloke, Thom - @ThomLinley, Georgia - @geeinthesea
Instagram: Thom - @thom.linley, Georgia - @geeinthesea
Vote for a moratorium on deep-sea mining
Pig-faced shark found in Mediterranean Sea
More info on Oxynotus centrina (Linnaeus, 1758)
Not too sure about the identification as the pic is quite distorted. Here’s info in the bigeye grenadier
My Salty Sea Life
Larkin’s ‘a day in the life of a sailor’ video. Great prep for your first time at sea.
(a keen eye may spot Alan pottering about in the background)
AB – Able Bodied seamen or deck hands
A-frame – type of lifting equipment, usually at the stern
Aft – towards the front of the boat
Bow – the front of the boat
Bridge – Usually at the top of the boat, where it is steered from
Bulkhead – the thick metal internal walls of a boat
Cabin – where you sleep offshore
Deck – the floors on a boat
Fore – towards the front of the boat
Head – the toilet
Mates – Officers under the captain (1st and 2nd mate)
Mess – the dining hall on a boat
Port – left side of the boat (regardless of which way you are facing), colour coded red
Rigger boots – steel toe capped safety shoes
Starboard - right side of the boat (regardless of which way you are facing), colour coded green
Zodiac – a small and fast inflatable boat
Theme – Hadal Zone Express by Märvel
Offshore advice
Nikki – lecturer of marine biology
Andy - marine biologist
Nic – marine surveyor
James – marine geotechnical engineer
Giuseppe – marine scientists, EuroMarine early career scientist group OYSTER
Natalia – marine scientist, OYSTER communications manager
Logo images:
The symbol of Hades
Alan giving Larkin the tattoo
Hidden track
Additional sound effects from
BBC sound archive