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“Exploration is curiosity acted upon.”
In this month’s episode, we’re honouring the late great Don Walsh, who sadly left us this month. You may have noticed that we hadn’t heard from Don in a good few months. He had a couple of ops that required some getting over, but that wasn’t going to slow him down. In September he was going through the Northwest Passage, a trip he had attempted 2 previous times but had been scuppered by weather and vessel trouble. Don’s unwavering commitment to deep sea exploration meant that the monthly sea stories were no longer possible but we weren’t going to let the legendary Don Walsh sneak off without some fanfare, not after everything he’s done for us.
So we were putting together a Christmas episode where we could share some drinks and stories with Don and give him a proper send-off. While we were sorting out dates that everyone could do, Don passed. 92, nodding off in his favourite chair at the remote home he loved, surrounded by nature.
Over the last 3 years it’s been a privilege to have Don recount one of his endless stories with us every month, stories that always made us smile. In some attempt to raise a toast to him and all that he’s done for the community, we bring you this Don Special episode. He will be missed.
We’re really trying to make this project self-sustaining so we have started looking for ways to support the podcast. Here’s a link to our page on how to support us, from the free options to becoming a patron of the show. We want to say a huge thank you to those patrons who have already pledged to support us!
Thanks again for tuning in, we’ll deep-see you next time!
Check it out here!! And please do send in any pics of you wearing the merch!
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We’d love to actually play your voice so feel free to record a short audio note!
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Twitter: @DeepSeaPod, @ArmatusO
Facebook:DeepSeaPodcast, ArmatusOceanic
Instagram: @deepsea_podcast, @armatusoceanic
Keep up with the team on social media
Twitter: Alan - @Hadalbloke, Thom - @ThomLinley, Georgia - @geeinthesea
Instagram: Thom - @Thom.Linley, Georgia - @geeinthesea
Read the show notes and find out more about us at:
Theme – Hadal Zone Express by Märvel
Logo image - Life Magazine 1960 Edition