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We’re back on the elasmobranch train with our latest episode all about deep-sea sharks!
We speak with Justin Cordova, co-founder and deputy director of The Rogue Shark Lab all about the fascinating world of deep-sea sharks! What makes them different from their shallow-water relatives? Why do their eyes glow green? How exactly do you get into a career in deep-sea shark research?
The tengu (pictured right) is a mythical Japanese creature that has a very long nose. Tenguzame was translated into English as “goblin shark” (pictured left). Do you see the similarities?
Roger and his glorious toes
The Professor is trapped in paradise (somewhere in Fiji) whilst he quarantines before his next big offshore expedition. But he’s not alone - alongside his new pal Roger (the guard gecko) he's quarantining with deep-sea celebrity, Jason 'J-Rod' Rodriguez. The famed SuBastian ROV pilot is joining Alan on this next leg of the expedition to the Tonga Trench. Make sure you're following us to hear all of the updates in our next episode!
Andrew is back from his travels and was just as excited about our Lake Baikal episode as us! In this month's Coffee with Andrew segment, he talks us through the unbelievable similarities between deep-ocean and the deep-lake fish of Baikal.
Thanks again for tuning in, we’ll deep-see you next time!
Alan and J-Rod with the SuBastian Livestream
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Claudio Zanette | Becca Nicholls | Rebecca Rulnick
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Twitter: Alan - @Hadalbloke, Thom - @ThomLinley, Georgia - @geeinthesea
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Further resources
Study shows sexual parasitism helped anglerfish invade the deep sea
Biological Sunglasses in a Deep-Sea Squid: Pigment Migration in the Retina of Gonatus onyx
The huge new paper on the classification of ray-finned fishes (living and fossil)
People mentioned
Ryan Howard - AUT Squid Squad PhD Candidate
Kat Bolstad - AUT Squid Squad leader
AUT Squid Squad Website & Twitter
Andrew Stewart - Curator of Fishes at Te Papa Museum, New Zealand
Justin Cordova - Co-founder of The Rogue Shark Lab
Theme – Hadal Zone Express by Märvel
Logo image - AMNH
Edited by - Georgia Wells