050 - Tonga trench special

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We made it to episode 50 and managed to pin down the professor to tell us all about his adventures offshore in the world’s second deepest point: the tonga trench.

His Royal Highness will be so proud to know he got a spot on Alan's wall.

Expect to hear all about how the colossal deep-sea expedition is going, including the time Alan piloted a submarine to 2000m, stumbled upon a rarely seen deep-sea squid, and made poor Steve’s life difficult (the onboard media guy). Life on land is also just as chaotic as Alan has been jetsetting all over the world, with his shiny new OBE medal safely tucked in his backpack pocket, plus a very mysterious scroll from the king arrived and is now living proudly in his downstairs loo.

For those who really love the show, Alan shared with us pictures of all the species he found in the Tonga trench, and this extended video version of the episode is available now via our Patreon (and will be made publicly available on September 20th).

Thanks again for tuning in, we’ll deep-see you next time!


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Check out our podcast merch here! Which still includes Alan’s beloved apron.



Email: podcast@armatusoceanic.com

Twitter: @DeepSeaPod, @ArmatusO

Facebook: DeepSeaPodcast, ArmatusOceanic 

Instagram: @deepsea_podcast, @armatusoceanic


Keep up with the team on social media


Alan - @Hadalbloke

Thom - @ThomLinley 

Georgia - @geeinthesea



Georgia - @geeinthesea

Thom - @thom.linley 

Read the show notes and find out more about us at:




Theme – Hadal Zone Express by Märvel

Logo image - Images Courtesy of Alan Jamieson/UWA Deep-Sea Research Centre/Inkfish

Edited by - Georgia Wells

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Feel free to get in touch with us with questions or your own comments on:


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Keep up with the team on social media:

Twitter: Alan - @Hadalbloke, Thom - @ThomLinley, Georgia - @geeinthesea

Instagram: Thom - @Thom.Linley, Georgia - @geeinthesea


Theme – Hadal Zone Express by Märvel

Logo image - MBARI

Edited by - Georgia Wells